Philomena Press

Providing faithful resources for faith-filled families




Should Children Repent?

A major theme of the National Eucharistic Congress this past summer was “repentance.” Bishop Cozzens says that it is through contritely turning our hearts away from sin and toward God that we are able to receive Him.


For the past ten years, our books for children have guided both children and their parents on the beautiful practices of reconciliation and Holy Communion.


As we strive to build upon the great momentum of the National Eucharistic Congress, and channel this momentum into the life of our parish families, we are offering a discount on these powerful little books.


The Confession of Grace and A Communion of the Heart are written so that an elementary-age child can read the books. However, we have heard from countless faith formation leaders that a great power in the books happens when parents read the stories with their children


Many parish leaders have told us that the parents are learning as much as their children by reading and discussing these books within the family.


Take advantage of these powerful and affordable resources today. They provide an important supplement to your current Sacrament preparation tools.


For bulk order discounts on orders of 25 books or more, please email


If you are interested in having Dr. Pamela Patnode come to your parish to talk, please go to the Catholic Speakers Bureau or send an email to


Popular talks include:

  • Leisure? Sabbath rest? What’s that?
  • What is the Eucharist and Why Should I Care?
  • The Rule of St. Benedict for Everyday Catholics
  • How to Grow in Vocation While Avoiding Burnout
  • And many more


Pamela Patnode is pleased to speak at national conferences and local parish events. She is a proud member of the elite Catholic speakers bureau CMG Booking.


Already on its fifth printingThe Confession of Grace is a fictional story written for the young elementary age student. This engaging book can be read in a faith-formation class, in a Catholic school, or at home with the child. 


The beauty behind this book is that it instructs young people about the Church's teaching on the Sacrament of Confession, but it does so within the context of the story. Children won't even realize they are learning because they will be engrossed in the story.


The Confession of Grace carries the Imprimatur, assuring that its material is consistent with Catholic doctrine. With easy-to-read text and delightful illustrations, this book is a must-have for every classroom and Catholic family.


Featured on and awarded the Catholic Writer's Guild Seal of Approval!


Now available in Spanish!


Author: Dr. Pamela Patnode                      ISBN: 978-0-9899051-0-7





Catholic Writers Guild awards The Seal of Approval to


The Confession of Grace!




The sequel to the popular Confession of Grace! Philomena Press is excited to announce

A Communion of the Heart by author Pamela Patnode.


Now available in Spanish!



“What is the best way to receive Holy Communion?” (The answer might surprise you!)



“What is a monstrance?”

“Why do we genuflect and make the Sign of the Cross?”

“Isn’t the Eucharist just a symbol?”

These are just some of the questions that are discussed and answered in this enchanting story. Young children (and many adults) will learn much about our rich Catholic faith by reading A Communion of the Heart.

Best of all, it’s not a textbook listing facts and vocabulary words in boldface type. Rather, it instructs children about our Faith using the most proven teaching method around: story-telling.

A Communion of the Heart Chapter 1
Preview the first chapter by clicking on this link
A Communion of the Heart Chapter 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]

After the wedding, will you see this couple at Mass again?


Dare to Live Catholic is a guide for busy couples and parents on how to LIVE the faith in a culture that opposes it.


This book is a perfect and practical gift for newly married couples as well as RCIA candidates.


"In Dare to LIVE Catholic, Pamela Patnode has written a clear, useful, and deeply thoughtful guide to help couples and families bring their Catholic faith to a more full and rich expression in their daily lives." Abbot John Klassen, OSB,

St. John's Abbey



Do you work with Hispanic/Latino students?

If so, this is a must read.

Dr. Pamela Patnode partnered with the National Catholic Educational Association to publish a book for parish administrators and Catholic school educators who work with Hispanic/Latino students. Me Puede Enseñar? (Can You Teach Me?)


According to researchers, the ELL population is the fastest growing student population in the United States. It is also a population that is at high risk for failure in American schools. Moreover, the challenging events of the past year have brought to the forefront numerous discussions about race, equity, and academic gaps. These are important and necessary conversations—and Catholic schools have much to contribute to the conversations and the solutions. Order here

New From Philomena Press!

Jim Otremba, M. Div, MS, LICSW, Christian Coach and his wife Maureen have written a beautiful resource for all Catholic couples. Using material from their marriage workshops, Jim and Maureen (who were featured on EWTN) provide practical and faith-filled recommendations for couples to grow in love for Christ and one another.


At just $15.00, this workbook is affordable and a great resource for parish adult faith formation programs and parish book studies! Click on order information to purchase your copy today.


Jim Otremba is a regular guest of the national Catholic radio station Relevant Radio.

In addition, Otremba has authored two additional books for Catholics: 


The Daily Dozen of Catholic Parenting and


A New Day in Christ: How to calm stress and anxiety at home, work, or relationships in twenty minutes a day.


Order copies for yourself or your parish programs - today!

All of the Otremba books are just $15.00 each.


Author Pamela Patnode was a guest of the EWTN television program At Home With Jim and Joy on Monday, November 23, (2-3pm ET). 



View program here:

Also available from Philomena Press:


"This book is the necessary resource for every Catholic home schooling family."

Homeschooling mother

Order your copy today! Now available in English and Spanish!

5 Steps to Successful

Home Schooling

How to Add Faith and Focus to

Your Home Education Program 

By Pamela Patnode


ISBN# 978-0-615-62947-6

ISBN# 0615629474

Just in time for the upcoming home school conference season, Philomena Press has released an essential book for all home schooling families.


Do you home educate your children? Are you succeeding? How do you know? Are you new to home schooling and looking for the necessary tools to help you get started? If you are looking for information on how to succeed at home schooling, then this is the book for you. In a simple step-by-step process, Pamela Patnode walks you through the essential process for achieving success in your home education program. Through this book, you’ll learn how to incorporate prayer into your daily life, how to establish a mission statement, the value of reading, and so much more. Plus, there is contact information for home school groups, curriculum suppliers, and support networks throughout the nation. Whether you’ve been home schooling for years or need to begin quickly, this is the book for you! Imprimatur.