Resources to help you learn more about the Catholic faith
At Philomena Press, our mission is to provide faithful resources for faith-filled families. These resources are intended for the "regular Catholic" who wants to deepen their faith. If you desire to better understand the direction in which God is leading you, and you seek the necessary steps to begin moving in that direction, then we have just what you're looking for! Our books offer practical steps and proven recommendations to help you take that the next step on your faith journey. "Come, follow me."
Books by Philomena Press:
1. Dare to Live Catholic: 5 Steps to Intentional, Faith-Directed Living (Imprimatur), due out December, 2013
2. The Confession of Grace (Imprimatur)
3. A Communion of Love (Imprimatur) - due out in January, 2014
4. 5 Steps to Successful Home Schooling: How to Add Faith and Focus to Your Home Education Program (Imprimatur)
5. 5 Pasos Para Una Ensenanza en el Hogar Exitosa: Como Anadir Fe y Enfoque al Programa de Homeschooling
In addition to the books published by Philomena Press, we also recommend the books listed below.
The Bible is the first place to turn to learn more about our faith. Daily Scripture reading is a must. Praying with Scripture will also strengthen one's faith. Our newly released book 5 Steps to Successful Home Schooling: How to Add Faith and Focus to Your Home Education Program offers suggested prayer methods using Scripture.
Bible studies are also of immeasurable value. Contact your parish, or a parish near you to become involved. Also, check into Bible study programs by Jeff Cavins and Ascension Press. Many of these programs are offered at parishes nation wide. They can also be purchased on-line and in local Catholic book stores for at home use.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) is another excellent tool for growing in your understanding of the Catholic faith. Many people think they know what the Church teaches and why - and later learn that they were mistaken. If you've ever wondered what the Church teaches about a certain subject, and the Traditional and biblical foundations for this teaching, then the Catechism is a resource you should look into. The Catechism of the Catholic Church provides the official Church teaching on all topics related to faith and morals.
Audio options for learning about the faith are growing in popularity. Many people enjoy praying, listening to Catholic radio, or listening to lectures offered by some of the greatest speakers in the area of Catholicism while driving to and from work each day. Relevant Radio is an excellent Catholic radio station. They can be found on-line and in many markets nationwide. Catholic Lighthouse Media provides valuable lectures in different listening formats at affordable prices.
Books related to Catholic spirituality, parenting, and prayer are wonderful tools for growing in your faith. Click on the recommended reading for adults or children to learn more.
Video and television options are also excellent ways to continue learning about and growing in your faith. Two options worth investigating are Fr. Robert Barron's newly released Catholicism DVD series and EWTN Catholic television.
An excellent on-line source is the United States Council of Catholic Bishops website.